Cities of Artificial Excavation: The Work of Peter Eisenman, 1978-1988 (1994)
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • Peter Eisenman (creator)
  • Peter Eisenman (architect)
  • Peter Eisenman (designer)
  • Centre canadien d'architecture (client)
  • Peter Eisenman (archive creator)

Cities of Artificial Excavation: The Work of Peter Eisenman, 1978-1988 (1994)



Niveau de description archivistique:
File 106
  • Approximately 619 drawings including reprographic copies
    28 photographic materials
    6 models
    31 artefacts
Présentation du contenu:
In 1993, the CCA invited Peter Eisenman to design an installation for the exhibition 'Cities of Artificial Excavation: The Work of Peter Eisenman, 1978-1988'. The exhibition was presented at the CCA from 2 March to 29 May 1994. The drawings and models of this group document the development of Eisenman's installation design from late 1993 through March 1994, as well as the various processes used by the architect in his investigation of the 'Cities of Artificial Excavation'. Material in this file was produced between 1993 and 1994.

File contains conceptual drawings, design development drawings, installation drawings, measured drawings, presentation drawings, publication drawings, record drawings, textual records, and models. Documents by Eisenman's office include material for schemes A and B, the first and second proposals for the installation, as well as material for the exhibition installation. Material for scheme A includes conceptual drawings (DR1994:0030:001-005), hardline design development drawings (DR1994:0030:006-011), design development computer-aided drawings (DR1994:0030:012-027), and fully developed drawings (DR1994:0030:028-034). Material for scheme B, a design which is closer to the final project, includes hardline drawings (DR1994:0030:035-044) and computer-aided drawings (DR1994:0030:045-069). Material for the exhibition installation includes: computer-aided drawings (DR1994:0030:070-196), which were generated to construct models for the installation, notably a preliminary model (DR1994:0035) and the final model (DR1994:0036), which was used for planning the exhibition layout; hardline drawings which are the final drawings for the installation (DR1994:0030:262-265); a preliminary exhibition layout (DR1994:0030:280); and Iris colour prints of computer-aided conceptual axonometrics (DR1994:0030:281-282). Three working models show different stages of the design development (DR1994:0031 - DR1994:0034).

File contains photographs of the completed installation by Richard Pare (DR1994:0037:001-028), fragments of the installation preserved after its demolition (DR1994:0038:001-0028) and paint samples (DR1994:0038:035-037).

File contains Cities of Artificial Excavation exhibition Catalogue Cover Design layouts and trial proofs. This group of material by Eisenman's office includes freehand drawings and collages for early proposals for the cover (DR1994:0029:001-003), ink drawings on Mylar of the floor plans of the four principal projects presented in the exhibition traced from diazotypes (diazotypes: DR1994:0029:014-019; ink drawings: DR1994:0029:004-010), and Iris colour prints of computer-aided drawings which Eisenman's staff used to test different colour schemes (DR1994:0029:020-030). Offset prints for the cover proposing different colour schemes were used to select the cover design used for publication (DR1994:0029:036-039).
Numéro de référence:



Montréal Île de Montréal Québec Canada

Langue et écriture des documents:
  • Documents are in English.
Note générale:
  • Some material in this file has been processed at a preliminary level. Consult curator for further information.

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