Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh, India (1960-1962)

Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh, India (1960-1962)

Inclus dans

Personnes et institutions

  • Aditya Prakash (archive creator)


Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh, India (1960-1962)

Dates de création


Niveau de description archivistique



  • 19 drawings (including 18 reprographic copies)
  • 0.01 l.m. of textual records

Présentation du contenu

This project series documents the Tagore Theatre in Sector 18 in Chandigarh, India from 1960-1962. This project consisted of a 600-seat theatre comprised of two square-shaped volumes, turned on their axis to overlap at their corners. The stage was located directly at the overlap, with the back-of-house occupying one square and the audience in the other. Inside, the roof frame was left exposed and meticulous detail was paid to the theatre's acoustics. The building's brick exterior had almost no windows, except those located along the first-level below a canopy that wrapped the theatre. Large-scale alterations have since been made to the iconic theatre.

The project is recorded through drawings and textual records dating from 1949-2001. The majority of the drawings are reprographic copies, but many are annotated. There are a number of drawings dating from 1999-2001 that likely show future work to the theatre, since they are outside the scope of the theatre's original construction. The textual records consist of research on theatre design, dating much earlier than this project, and a magazine review of the acoustics in the Tagore Theatre.

Numéro de réference


Mode de classement

Materials in this project series have been arranged by material type and the drawings have been arranged based on their intended purpose.


Chandigarh Inde

Sources complémentaires

  • For additional materials related to this project, see the following files described in this fonds: AP206.S2.005 AP206.S2.014 AP206.S2.046 AP206.S3.022 AP206.S3.023 AP206.S3.153


Trier par: 

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: AP206.S1.1960.PR01.001
    • Titre: Sketch plan, Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh, India
    • Dates de création: circa 1960
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 1

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Aditya Prakash (archive creator)

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 File


    • 1 drawing


    Sheet: 33 x 27 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Aditya Prakash fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Vikramaditya Prakash/
    Gift of Vikramaditya Prakash

    Numéro de chemise:


    Objets catalogués:

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: AP206.S1.1960.PR01.002
    • Titre: Plans, elevations, sections, interior axonometric view and acoustical drawings, Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh, India
    • Dates de création: 1960-1961
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 6

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Aditya Prakash (archive creator)

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 File


    • 7 reprographic copies with annotations


    Sheet (smallest): 92 x 66 cm Sheet (largest): 135 x 70 cm

    Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:

    These drawings are badly torn. Extra vigilance is required when handling.

    Mention de crédit:

    Aditya Prakash fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Vikramaditya Prakash/
    Gift of Vikramaditya Prakash

    Numéro de chemise:


    Objets catalogués:

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: AP206.S1.1960.PR01.003
    • Titre: Plans and axonometric drawings, Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh, India
    • Dates de création: circa 1960
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 4

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Aditya Prakash (archive creator)

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 File


    • 4 reprographic copies


    Sheet: 14 x 10 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Aditya Prakash fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Vikramaditya Prakash/
    Gift of Vikramaditya Prakash

    Numéro de chemise:


    Objets catalogués:

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: AP206.S1.1960.PR01.004
    • Titre: Research on theatre design and article on acoustics of Tagore Theatre, Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh, India
    • Dates de création: 1949-1965
    • Classification: documents textuels
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Aditya Prakash (archive creator)


    The article is entitled "Acoustics of the Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh" by M. Pancholy, A.F. Chhapgar and Davinder Singh and appeared in The Indian Concrete Journal in December 1965.

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 File


    • 0.01 l.m. of textual records

    Mention de crédit:

    Aditya Prakash fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Vikramaditya Prakash/
    Gift of Vikramaditya Prakash

    Numéro de chemise:


  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: AP206.S1.1960.PR01.005
    • Titre: Rehearsal space proposal, plans and sections, Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh, India
    • Dates de création: 1999-2001
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Aditya Prakash (archive creator)


    These drawings appear to be from later work done on the theatre for the Department of Urban Planning, Chandigarh Administration.

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 File


    • 7 reprographic copies


    Sheet (smallest): 87 x 39 cm Sheet (largest): 101 x 74 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Aditya Prakash fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Vikramaditya Prakash/
    Gift of Vikramaditya Prakash

    Numéro de chemise:



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