Architectural projects
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Personnes et institutions:
  • Kuwabara Payne Mckenna Blumberg Architects (archive creator)

Architectural projects



Niveau de description archivistique:
  • Approximately 49,200 drawings
    131 photographic materials
    71 paintings
    21 models
    2 serials
    0.047 l.m. of textual records
Présentation du contenu:
The Architectural Projects series, 1984-2003, records 125 architectural projects from Canada, the United States, Germany and Switzerland. These projects include university buildings and campuses, public spaces, civic buildings, offices, interior and industrial design, residences, museums, theatres and concert halls, a winery, and retail stores. The projects include built work, proposals and competition entries. Projects were identified and separated based on distinct project numbers assigned by the creating office, along with the project dates and titles when further clarification was necessary. The project numbering scheme used by the office was not consistent, but most of the numbers are four digits and begin with last two digits of the project start year.

These projects are recorded primarily through drawings, but some photographs, paintings, textual records, periodicals, and models are also included in this series. The majority of drawings for each project are originals and a large part of reprographic copies have annotations. The drawings for each project typically consist of surveys, sketches, plans, sections, elevations, axonometric drawings, details, perspectives, and drawings issued for construction. Some of the drawings are mounted for presentation purposes. A large number of furnishing drawings are also included for interior design projects. Photographs in this series show finished work completed by the firm, the project models, and reproductions of drawings and paintings. The paintings in this series are mostly watercolours used for presentation. The textual records are very sparse in this series and consist of rough notes used to supplement drawings. The periodicals are magazines that highlight the completed projects. The amount of materials for each project vary greatly, with built projects having the most complete records and project proposals having the least.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Materials in the Architectural Projects series have been arranged by project number in chronological order of the project start years.
Conditions de réproduction:
  • The firm of KPMB Architects owns the copyright to the majority of the materials, with the exception of some photographs subject to copyright of the photographer. The firm must be consulted before any reproductions can be made, outside of the scope of collection management.

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