Photographies couleur pour une exposition non identifiée = Coloured photographs for an unidentified exhibition
Dossier 1
Le dossier documente des photographies prises par un ou des photographes non identifiés qui ont été sélectionnées pour une exposition. Le dossier inclut des photographies de la vie quotidienne à Chandigarh, certains bâtiments de l'Université du Panjab, le Capitol et une maquette du plan general de Chandigarh. Le dossier contient des photographies couleur.
File documents photographs taken by unidentified photographers that were selected for an exhibition. The file includes photographs of everyday life in Chandigarh, some buildings of the Panjab University, the Capitol and a general layout model of Chandigarh. The file contains coloured photographs.
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Group consists of photographs of the Gandhi Bhawan at Panjab University in Chandigarh, India. There is also a photograph of the interior of the University library.
3 photograph(s)
Chromogenic colour print on paper mounted on board
sheets: 40 × 40 cm
Fonds Pierre Jeanneret
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Jacqueline Jeanneret/
Gift of Jacqueline Jeanneret
Group consists of photographs Capitol complex in Chandigarh, India. There are photographs of the High Court, the Secretariat and the Assembly, including some photographs of the interior of the Assembly. There are also photographs of general views on the Capitol and photographs of the Open Hand monument.
17 photograph(s)
Chromogenic colour print on paper mounted on board
sheets: 40 × 40 cm
Fonds Pierre Jeanneret
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Jacqueline Jeanneret/
Gift of Jacqueline Jeanneret
1 photograph(s)
Chromogenic colour print on paper mounted on board
sheet: 40 × 40 cm
Photo is mounted.
Fonds Pierre Jeanneret
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Jacqueline Jeanneret/
Gift of Jacqueline Jeanneret
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