Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney, 1975-1990

Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney, 1975-1990

Inclus dans

Personnes et institutions

  • Melvin Charney (architect)
  • Melvin Charney (archive creator)


Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney, 1975-1990

Dates de création


Niveau de description archivistique



  • 0.10 l.m. of textual records
  • 91 drawings (including 87 reprographic copies)

Présentation du contenu

The sub-series documents Melvin Charney’s solo exhibition "Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney, 1975-1990", originally held at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in 1991. The exhibition presents Melvin Charney works from 1975 to 1990 with his drawings, photographs and installations showing Charney's artistic process. It includes correspondence, exhibition plans, printouts of artworks, notes, press clippings, and invitation list to exhibition related events.

Numéro de réference


Mode de classement

Material in this series was likely kept in it's original order when it was first processed upon it's arrival at CCA.

Langue et écriture des documents



Trier par: 

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2012:0012:085:001
    • Titre: Notes and galleries plans related to exhibition "Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney 1975-1990"
    • Dates de création: circa 1991
    • Classification: documents textuels
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Melvin Charney (archive creator)


    Bound volume containing printouts of artworks, sketches, a photocopied floorplan of the CCA galleries with annotations in graphite and red ink, and notes related to the exhibition "Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney 1975-1990".

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 book(s)


    • 0.02 l.m. of textual records
    • 79 reprographic copies
    • 4 drawings


    sheets: 27,7 × 21,4 cm (10 7/8 × 8 7/16 in.)

    Mention de crédit:

    Melvin Charney fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Dara Charney/
    Gift of Dara Charney

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2012:0012:085:002
    • Titre: Printouts of artworks related to exhibition "Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney, 1975-1990"
    • Dates de création: circa 1991
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Melvin Charney (archive creator)


    File containing colour printouts related to the exhibition, Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney, 1975-1990

    Original folder inscribed in graphite: CCA: PARABLES...ALLEGORIES 1990-91

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 file(s)


    • 8 reprographic copies


    sheets: 27,7 × 21,3 cm (10 7/8 × 8 3/8 in.)

    Mention de crédit:

    Melvin Charney fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Dara Charney/
    Gift of Dara Charney

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2012:0012:092:006
    • Titre: Press clippings related to exhibition "Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney, 1975-1990"
    • Dates de création: 1991-1992
    • Classification: documents textuels
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Melvin Charney (archive creator)


    File containing documents in English and French, including magazine clippings, and photocopies of newspaper clippings related to the exhibition, Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney 1975-1990.

    Original folder inscribed in graphite: CCA EXHIBITION

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 file(s)


    • 0.01 l.m. of textual records

    Mention de crédit:

    Melvin Charney fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Dara Charney/
    Gift of Dara Charney

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2012:0012:092:008
    • Titre: Correspondence and consignment forms related to exhibition "Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney 1975-1990"
    • Dates de création: 1991-1993
    • Classification: documents textuels
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Melvin Charney (archive creator)


    File containing documents in English and French, including correspondence and consignment forms related to the exhibition Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney 1975-1990.

    Original folder inscribed in graphite: CCA BOOK 1991 CONSEINMENT [sic] LISTS / +MATERIALS

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 file(s)


    • 0.02 l.m. of textual records

    Mention de crédit:

    Melvin Charney fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Dara Charney/
    Gift of Dara Charney

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2012:0012:092:009
    • Titre: Correspondence, invitations lists, and interview transcripts related to exhibition "Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney 1975-1990"
    • Dates de création: 1991
    • Classification: documents textuels
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Melvin Charney (archive creator)


    File containing documents in French (predominant) and English, including correspondence, invitations lists, and interview transcripts related to the exhibition, Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney 1975-1990.

    Original folder inscribed in graphite: CCA: PARABLES...ALLEG 1990-1991 - MEDIA

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 file(s)


    • 0.04 l.m of textual records

    Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:

    Contains thermal faxes that can fade with time.

    Mention de crédit:

    Melvin Charney fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Dara Charney/
    Gift of Dara Charney

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2012:0012:092:010
    • Titre: Correspondence, exhibition descriptions, and newsletters related to "Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney, 1975-1990"
    • Dates de création: 1986, 1990-1992
    • Classification: documents textuels
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Melvin Charney (archive creator)


    File containing documents in English (predominant) and French, including correspondence, exhibition descriptions, and newsletters related to the exhibition, Parables and other allegories: the work of Melvin Charney 1975-1990.

    Original folder inscribed in graphite: CCA: "PARABLES & OTHER ALLEGORIES": EXHIBITIONS VENUES.

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 file(s)


    • 0.01 l.m. of textual records

    Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:

    Contains thermal faxes that can fade with time.

    Mention de crédit:

    Melvin Charney fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Dara Charney/
    Gift of Dara Charney


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