Architectural projects

Architectural projects

Inclus dans

Personnes et institutions

  • Abalos & Herreros (archive creator)
  • Abalos & Herreros (architectural firm)
  • Iñaki Abalos (architect)
  • Juan Herreros (architect)


Architectural projects

Dates de création


Niveau de description archivistique



  • 10,453 printouts
  • 6,784 photographic materials
  • 9,872 drawings (including 5,802 reprographic copies)
  • Approximately 1000 graphic records
  • 62 collages
  • 49 CDs (CDs, CD-Rs, CD-RWs)
  • 26 models
  • 18 floppy disks
  • 9 DVDs
  • 4 artefacts
  • 3 panels
  • 1 audiocassette
  • 1 videocassette
  • 13.81 l.m. of textual documentation

Présentation du contenu

This series documents the architectural projects of Ábalos&Herreros from 1986 to 2006 and represents over 150 projects, including exhibitions. The firm worked on a wide variety of projects from commercial and residential structures to libraries and sewage treatment plants.

The firm's design process was research oriented and involved conversations between Ábalos and Herreros, office collaborators, artists who partook in the projects, as well as other architects. Several projects found in this series were developed in collaboration with other architects including: José Manuel Ábalos; Salvador Pérez Arroyo; Filippo Costi; Ángel Jaramillo Esteban; Javier Fresneda; Eduardo Horta; Martín Marciano; Ángel Jaramillo Sánchez; Renata Sentkiewicz; and Héctor Vigliecca.

Most projects were designed for the city of Madrid and the Community of Madrid. Projects were also developed for other sites in Spain, including the Canary Islands, as well as for sites in Portugal, Germany, the United States, and Brazil.

Ábalos & Herreros often created new projects from the firm's existing work. The firm also identified their projects numerically. These identification numbers are documented at the project series level for each project.

Among the materials documenting the firm's projects are conceptual, design development, presentation, and working drawings, as well as panels. There are also several CAD drawings and prints of born digital drawings. Documenting the firms conceptual process are collages and photomontages. Photographic materials included in this series depict project sites and built projects. Also included are a variety of research reference materials, correspondence, project documentation, and project submissions. Although creating models was not a common practice for the firm, there are a few project series which include models.

Numéro de réference


Mode de classement

The series is arranged in 162 project series. The project series are arranged chronologically by project year. Originally, the firm arranged the projects numerically by project number. The first project created by the firm begins at number 36. Project numbers 1-35, not included in this fonds, were not created by the firm but are either projects of Iñaki Ábalos or Juan Herreros.

Drawings, photographic materials, and textual documentation are housed together and arranged by project. Exceptionally, larger drawings are housed separately by size and are also arranged by project. Types and quantities of materials vary for each project.

Langue et écriture des documents

Spanish, Catalan, English, French, German , Portuguese


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