Project series documents Cornelia Hahn Oberlander's project for the Inuvik School, later known as East Three School, in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. The project consisted in the landscape design and a playground design for the new school replacing the Sir Alexander MacKenzie elementary school and the Samuel Herne Secondary School. Oberlander worked on this project from 2008 to 2012 with architects Pin/Taylor. During her design process, Oberlander consulted the teachers, parents, staff and students on ways to express their culture in the landscape design. She also had to adapt her design to the extreme climate of the region. Oberlander located the play court at the angle of the two buildings of the elementary school and the secondary school, to shelter it from the wind, and allowing small children to play outside. The plant selection was made by "harvesting local site and surrounding area for plant material" [1] and was also inspired by traditional cuisine. The project was completed in 2012. The project series also includes some documents related to a project possibly unrealized of the Jim Koe Park also in Inuvik, near the school.
The project series contains design development drawings and working drawings, such as planting plans, irrigation plans, grading plans, landscape sections, and site plans. The drawings also includes sets of building plans used as reference. The project is also documented through correspondence, including with architects, suppliers, and consultants, specifications, scope of work, schematic design and design reports from architectural firm, minutes of meetings, and research material.
[1] Herrington, Susan. Cornelia Hahn Oberlander: Making the Modern Landscape, University of Virginia Press, 2014, 304 pages, p. 197.
Material in this project series was kept in its original order when it was first processed upon its arrival at CCA.
Northwest Territories
Sources complémentaires
Contains some documents related to Oberlander's project for the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly Building in Yellowknife. See also AP075.S1.1991.PR01.
Titre: Complete set of reference construction drawings, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
210 reprographic copies
sheets: 28 x 43 cm
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Site plans and landscape layout plans, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: circa 2008
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
18 reprographic copies
sheet (smallest): 21.5 x 28 cm
sheet (largest): 38 x 51 cm
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Complete set of reference construction drawings, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
40 reprographic copies
sheets: 61 x 91 cm
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Complete set of reference mechanical construction drawings, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
78 reprographic copies
sheets: 61 x 91 cm
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Complete set of reference construction drawings, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
69 reprographic copies
sheets: 61 x 91 cm
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Complete set of reference construction drawings, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
74 reprographic copies
sheets: 61 x 91 cm
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Site plans, planting plans and playground structures plan, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 1
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
21 reprographic copies
sheet (smallest): 56 x 76 cm
sheet (largest): 63.5 x 90 cm
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Planting plans, landcape sketches and sketches of structures for playground, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 3
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
8 drawings
5 reprographic copies
sheet (smallest): 28 x 43 cm
sheet (largest): 61.5 x 89.5 cm
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Correspondence with suppliers, and landscape specifications, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 1999-2011
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Also includes a proposal for architectural and engineering services from project architect Pin/Matthews for another project in Yellowknife, used as reference by Oberlander.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.03 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Correspondence with suppliers, landscape specifications, site plans, planting plans, and sketches, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008-2012
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 1
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Also includes plants list.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
34 reprographic copies
13 drawings
sheet (smallest): 21.5 x 28 cm
sheet (largest): 61 x 88 cm
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Design development presentation by architect, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
1 textual document
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Pre-design study documentation for team meeting and schematic design report from architect, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2007
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
2 textual documents
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Scope of work, correspondence and documentation, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008-2013
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Includes also reference material from Oberlander other project in Yellowknife for the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly Building.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.02 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Sources complémentaires:
For more material related to the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly Building in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories see also AP075.S1.1991.PR01.
Titre: Site analysis and design reports, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2006-2008
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.03 l.m. of textual records
Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:
Attempt to stabilized the CD were made, but it could'nt be read on any computers.
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Sources complémentaires:
See also AP075.S1.2008.PR02.030 for digital versions of reference design development drawings and a design development report, AP075.S2.2008.PR02.031 for digital versions of schematic design drawings and schematic design report, and AP075.S2.2008.PR02.032 for digital versions of construction drawings and pre-design study documentation. The documents were previously part of this file, but were processed seperatly for access and preservation purposes.
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Notes, reports and results of consultation of students, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2011-2013
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 8
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Includes drawings and list of activities for school playground from children.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.02 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Correspondence with plants suppliers, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008-2011
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 1
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.02 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Correspondence with architects, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008-2009
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Correspondence with consultants, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2009-2013
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Texts for lectures, project description and printouts of photographs, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008-2013
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 1
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Contains texts of lectures by Cornelia Hahn Oberlander about the Inuvik School or landscape project in Artic.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Planting plans, site plans, and landscape sections, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008-2011
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
64 reprographic copies
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Complete set of reference design development drawings and design development report, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Nothwest Territories
Dates de création: 2008
Classification: dessins, né numérique
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Most common file formats: AutoCAD Drawing, AutoCAD Plot Configuration File, Acrobat PDF 1.6 - Portable Document Format, Log File.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
97 digital files (143 MB)
Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:
This fonds contains a number of born-digital files in CAD and 3D modeling formats. Due to the complex and often proprietary nature of CAD formats, proper rendering and use of these files may require highly specific software. CCA’s dedicated Study Room CAD workstation is loaded with a wide but incomplete range of such software. For further information about services and software available for interacting with obsolete or niche file formats, please contact Collection Reference ( and ask to speak with the Digital Archivist.
Conditions d’accès:
Digital material can only be accessed on-site. Please contact Reference at for more information. Access by appointment only.
Conditions de réproduction:
For copyright information or permission to reproduce material from the fonds, please contact the CCA at
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Complete set of schematic design drawings and schematic design report, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Nothwest Territories
Dates de création: 2007
Classification: dessins, né numérique
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Most common file formats: Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, AutoCAD Drawing, Acrobat PDF 1.6 - Portable Document Format.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
18 digital files (38 MB)
Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:
This fonds contains a number of born-digital files in CAD. Due to the complex and often proprietary nature of CAD formats, proper rendering and use of these files may require highly specific software. CCA’s dedicated Study Room CAD workstation is loaded with a wide but incomplete range of such software. For further information about services and software available for interacting with obsolete or niche file formats, please contact Collection Reference ( and ask to speak with the Digital Archivist.
Conditions d’accès:
Digital material can only be accessed on-site. Please contact Reference at for more information. Access by appointment only.
Conditions de réproduction:
For copyright information or permission to reproduce material from the fonds, please contact the CCA at
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Reference construction drawings and pre-design study documentation, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Nothwest Territories
Dates de création: 2007
Classification: dessins, né numérique
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Most common file formats: Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.6 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.5 - Portable Document Format.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
29 digital files (44 MB)
Conditions d’accès:
Digital material can only be accessed on-site. Please contact Reference at for more information. Access by appointment only.
Conditions de réproduction:
For copyright information or permission to reproduce material from the fonds, please contact the CCA at
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Complete set of reference construction drawings and specifications, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Nothwest Territories
Dates de création: 2009
Classification: dessins, né numérique
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Most common file formats: Acrobat PDF 1.6 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.7 - Portable Document Format.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
2 digital files (141 MB)
Conditions d’accès:
Digital material can only be accessed on-site. Please contact Reference at for more information. Access by appointment only.
Conditions de réproduction:
For copyright information or permission to reproduce material from the fonds, please contact the CCA at
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Research presentation by architects, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Nothwest Territories
Dates de création: 2009
Classification: documents textuels, né numérique
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Most common file formats: Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
1 digital file (417 MB)
Conditions d’accès:
Digital material can only be accessed on-site. Please contact Reference at for more information. Access by appointment only.
Conditions de réproduction:
For copyright information or permission to reproduce material from the fonds, please contact the CCA at
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Exterior and interior photographs, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2007 - 2013
Classification: né numérique, photographies
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Most common file formats: Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), JPEG File Interchange Format, Raw JPEG Stream, Unidentified.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
451 digital files (940 MB)
Conditions d’accès:
Digital material can only be accessed on-site. Please contact Reference at for more information. Access by appointment only.
Conditions de réproduction:
For copyright information or permission to reproduce material from the fonds, please contact the CCA at
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Landscape plans and photographs of the site before landscaping work, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2009 - 2010
Classification: dessins, né numérique, photographies
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Most common file formats: Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), JPEG File Interchange Format, Acrobat PDF 1.6 - Portable Document Format.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
81 digital files (285 MB)
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Photographic documentation for research, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2005 - 2007
Classification: né numérique, photographies
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Raw JPEG Stream.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
21 digital files (16 MB)
Conditions d’accès:
Digital material can only be accessed on-site. Please contact Reference at for more information. Access by appointment only.
Conditions de réproduction:
For copyright information or permission to reproduce material from the fonds, please contact the CCA at
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
Titre: Site meetings documents and landscape development plan, Inuvik School, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Dates de création: 2006 - 2009
Classification: documents textuels, né numérique
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (archive creator)
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (landscape architect)
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Graphics Interchange Format, Thumbs DB file, Hypertext Markup Language.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
500 digital files (2 GB)
Conditions d’accès:
Digital material can only be accessed on-site. Please contact Reference at for more information. Access by appointment only.
Conditions de réproduction:
For copyright information or permission to reproduce material from the fonds, please contact the CCA at
Mention de crédit:
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Cornelia Hahn Oberlander/
Gift of Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
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