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Government of Canada Building, 1st proposal
File documents proposals for a government office building complex (not built), Block 56, Vancouver, British Columbia.
File contains design development drawings, photographs, presentation drawings, and textual documents.
Material in this project series was likely kept in its original order when it was first processed upon its arrival at CCA.
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3 copies
1 File
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Watercolour on illustration board
panel: 64 x 51 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Graphite and watercolour on illustration board
panel: 62 x 51 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Graphite and watercolour on illustration board
panel: 64 x 51 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Graphite and watercolour on illustration board
panel: 63 x 51 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Graphite and watercolour on watercolour board
panel: 86 x 56 x 0,3 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Graphite and watercolour on watercolour paper mounted on illustration board
panel: 62 x 82 x 0,2 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Graphite and watercolour on watercolour board
panel: 56 x 86 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
3 File
Blackline prints enhanced with coloured ink
sheet (smallest): 61 x 60 cm sheet (largest): 60 x 78 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
2 File
Black-and-white photographs mounted on cardboard
sheets: 43 x 53 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Graphite and watercolour on illustration board
panel: 40 x 51 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
5 File
Blackline prints
sheet (smallest): 21 x 54 cm sheet (largest): 91 x 63 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
21 File
Graphite and ink on paper, diazotypes, photomechanical prints
sheet (smallest): 27 x 35 cm sheet (largest): 36 x 78 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
3 File
Graphite on mylar
sheet (smallest): 60 x 77 cm sheet (largest): 74 x 96 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Graphite and ink on tracing paper, diazotypes with revisions in ink
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
Floor plans, structural system plan and sections, alternative elevations, mechanical/electrical systems, roof plan, calculations and diagrams.
1 File
Graphite and ink on tracing paper and paper, diazotypes with revisions in ink
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Blackline prints
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
3 File
Ink and dry transfer on translucent paper
sheet (smallest): 45 x 88 cm sheet (largest): 60 x 72 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
Design development drawings - floor plans, parking plans, cost analysis diagrams, peak hour traffic study, aerial perspective showing tri-building complex as the Canadian flag.
1 File
Graphite and ink on tracing paper and translucent paper, photocopies, diazotypes
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
5 File
Graphite and ink on tracing paper
sheet (smallest): 53 x 61 cm sheet (largest): 35 x 87 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
10 File
Ink on tracing paper, ink on paper
sheet (smallest): 30 x 33 cm sheet (largest): 54 x 87 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
31 File
Graphite on tracing paper
sheet (smallest): 35 x 61 cm sheet (largest): 53 x 77 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
Site plan, reproductions of interior and exterior perspective drawings by M. Lunan (?) and of sketches by Arthur Erickson (site plans, sections), including prints of plans for Scheme X.
1 File
Dry transfer on paper, reduced blackline prints with dry transfer, diazotypes, photoprints, negatives
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
1 File
Diazotypes enhanced with coloured ink, reduced blackline prints, blackline prints
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
7 File
Graphite and ink on paper
sheets: 39 x 55 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
55 File
Graphite and ink on tracing paper
sheets: 35 x 56 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
Street level plan, elevations, perspective of corner, floor plans, pie charts studying space, department interrelations, and population.
11 File
Graphite, ink, dry transfer on tracing paper
sheet (smallest): 36 x 55 cm sheet (largest): 54 x 82 cm
Arthur Erickson fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Arthur Erickson, Architecte/
Gift of Arthur Erickson, Architect
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