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Sub-Series 3
Sub-series documents exhibitions of the projects of James Stirling, and the successive firms of James Stirling; Stirling and Gowan; James Stirling and Partner; James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates; and Michael Wilford and Partners. Exhibitions were held in London, England and New York City, New York, and several other locations, including Dortmund, Germany; Venice, Rome, Bologna and Vicenza, Italy; and Arc-et-Senans, France. Material in this sub-series was produced between 1969 and 2000.
Sub-series contains a few reference and design development drawings, presentation panels, and a small number of working drawings. Photographic materials include views of exhibitions by photographers George Cserna and Bevan Davies. It also contains textual records, including drawings for exhibition layouts, drafts of texts and layouts of exhibition catalogues, clippings and correspondence.
Sub-series is arranged by exhibition project.
Documents are in English, with some in Italian, German, Spanish and Basque.
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