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Photographs and films
circa 1948-1992
Sub-series 7
Sub-series documents, throught photographic materials and audio-visual materials, some of James Stirling's early architectural interests and travel, various projects and activities of the successive firms of Stirling and Gowan; James Stirling; James Stirling and Partner; and James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates, as well as office personnel and events and travels. Sub-series also documents the James Stirling Memorial lecture. Material in this sub-series was produced between ca. 1948 and 1992.
This sub-series is divided in three sub-series according to the format of the material: AP140.S2.SS7.D1 Photographs and negatives; AP140.S2.SS7.D2 Slides; and AP140.S2.SS7.D3 Audio visuals.
Documents are in English.
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