Correspondence and Submissions
File 4
File documents the editorial activities of the ANY magazine editorial staff, particularly editor Cynthia Davidson, to solicit material and manage unsolicited material. Material in file was produced between 1991 and 2001.
File contains correspondence, photographic material, postcards, clippings, curriculum vitaes, articles, catalogues, floppy disk, and manuscripts.
CD (Cynthia Davidson) Letters - primarily personal correspondence 1993-2000
Sanford Kwinter 1994
Correspondence - 1994-1998
Letters from M…Requests
Letters From … - Martin Somora
Letter From Belgrade
Letters From … - Yung-Ho Chang
Nobuaki Iahimaru - Letter from Kobe
Architects for Any - 1993
Unsolicited Manuscripts
Nana Last and Lester Yuen, Two Projects
Akos Moravanskzy
Alan Balfour
Rober Connah - IIT
Rober Connah - Caressing a Cat to Death
Intern Resumes
Lina Bo Bardi
Jody Zellen - C.V. and 19 slides of artwork
Key West Aids Memorial Competition
El Portal Gateway Competition, Laredo, Texas
Submitted projects
Any Spectacle
Henry Urbach (Edward) Dimendberg
Southern California Institute of Architecture - press releases
26 file
Anyone Corporation fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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