Zip disks relating to various Anyone Corporation projects
File 2
File contains zip disks of records in electronic form relating to various Anyone Corporation projects. Material in file was most likely produced in the 1990's.
Anyone Corporation fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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Labelled: "RoadRunner backup". Most common file formats: Microsoft Word for Macintosh Document, unidentified file format, Quark XPress Data File. Main directories: 1. Book Backup, 2. Magazine Backup, 3. Correspondence, 4. General Business, 5. Writing Arch. Backup, Any Logo, Lotus Proj, PDE, TdeM--Transl. and other matter. Filenames were cleaned up by replacing any leading or trailing spaces or dots by an underscore. The StuffIt (.sit) file named "roadrunnerArchive" was deleted after its contents were extracted.
1 zip disk
Anyone Corporation fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Labelled: "Greg Lynn". The disk is empty.
1 zip disk
Anyone Corporation fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Labelled: "The Netherlands".
1 3.5" MO drive
This piece of digital storage media requires a specialized drive.
Anyone Corporation fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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