Anyway Conference - Audio Recordings
File 4
File documents the Anyway Conference proceedings. Material in file was produced in 1993.
File contains audiocassettes.
Barcelona Spain
Anyway Conference recordings: 0 (June 4, 1993) Josep Ramoneda, Cynthia Davidson, Xavier Rubert de Ventós 1 (June 5, 1993) Panel A - Fredric Jameson, Rem Koolhaas 2 (June 5, 1993) Panel A - Josep Ramoneda, Discussion 3 (June 5, 1993) Panel A, End of the Discussion, Panel B - Roger Connah, Akira Asada / Arata Isozaki, Bernard Tschumi, Jacques Herzog 4 (June 5, 1993) Panel B - Dicsussion 5 (June 5, 1993) Panel C - Pierluigi Nicolin, Mark Taylor, Peter Eisenman, Ignasi de Solà-Morales 6 (June 5, 1993) Panel C - Ignasi de Solà-Morales, Discussion 7 (June 6, 1993) Panel D - André Glucksmann, Daniel Libeskind, Giulia Sissa, Discussion (Rem Koolhaas) 8 (June 6, 1993) Panel D - Discussion 9 (June 6, 1993) Panel E - Kojin Karatani, Elizabeth Diller, John Rajchman, Silvia Kolbowski 10 (June 6, 1993) Panel E - Silvia Kolbowski, Rafael Moneo, Discussion
11 file
Specialized equipment required for playback.
Anyone Corporation fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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