General Textual Files
File 1
File documents the planning of the In ANY Event Seminar accompanying the publication of Seaside and the Real World (Issue 1 of ANY magazine). Material in file was produced in 1993.
File contains correspondence, papers, rental agreement, and seminar poster and schedules.
Seaside EVENT Correspondence - Seaside Event agenda, poster, correspondence, transcript of Robert A.M. Stern interview, articles for magazine by Jean-Louis Cohen, Andres Duany, Mario Gandelsonas, Diane Ghirardo, Eve Kahn, Neil Levine, Mark Linder, Hiroshi Maruyama, David Mohney, Robert Segrest, Neil Smith, Sarah Whiting, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk
Dia Center Rental - Seminar publicity and arrangements
2 file
Anyone Corporation fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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