Article Texts
File 2
File documents some of the editorial activities related to the production of Tectonics Unbound: Kenform and Kunstform Revisited, issue 14 of ANY magazine (May). Material in file was produced between 1995 and 1996.
File contains drafts of articles, correspondence, and some biographical information.
Schwarzer Unforeseen - drafts of article by Mitchell Schwarzer
Schwarzer Tectonics Unbound - drafts of article by Mitchell Schwarzer, includes curriculum vitae and correspondence
Musicon Bremen - drafts project description by Daniel Libeskind
Lynn Blob - drafts of article by Greg Lynn
Fausch Opposition of Postmodern Tectonics - drafts of article by Deborah Fausch
Isenstadt Spectacular Tectonics - drafts of article by Sandy Isenstadt
Rakatansky What Kahn wants to Be - drafts of article by Mark Rakatansky
Mertins Benjamin's Techonic Unconscious - drafts of article by Detlef Mertins
Bressani - draft of article by Martin Bressani
Wolf Metaphysical Foundations of Schinkel's Tectonics - drafts of article by Scott C. Wolf
Calvahouse Review - drafts of review by Tim Culvahouse of Kenneth Frampton's Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture (1995)
Apter - Letter from Paris drafts by Emily Apter
Bergdoll Review - review by Barry Bergdoll of Sigfried Giedion's Building in France, building in iron, building in ferroconcrete (1995)
13 file
Anyone Corporation fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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