Article Texts
File 2
File documents some of the editorial activities related to the production of Whiteness: White Forms, Forms of Whiteness, issue 16 of ANY magazine (November). Material in file was produced in 1996.
File contains drafts, articles, correspondence, and some photographic material.
Nina Last (book) Review of White Walls
Wilson - drafts of article by Mabel O. Wilson
Kolbowski - correspondence regarding article by Silvia Kolbowski
Bloomer (4000) - drafts of article by Jennifer Bloomer
Vanstiphout, on Meier at The Hague - drafts of article by Wouter Vanstiphout
Denis Ortiz, Jack's Underground - drafts
Linder - drafts of article by Mark Linder
Apter, Morocco in B/W - drafts of article by Emily Apter
[Ernest] Pascucci, "White Forms, Forms of Whiteness"
Cohen - article by Jean-Louis Cohen and Monique Eleb
Appadurai - article by Arjun Appadurai
Kwinter - drafts of article by Sanford Kwinter, correspondence
Nelson - drafts of article by Steven Nelson, includes Guggenheim publicity kits with 8 photographs
Browser Letter from Black Mountain College - drafts of article by Steven Browser
Jazz Responses - includes Letters from New Orleans Images (5 photo contact prints)
15 file
Anyone Corporation fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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