General Textual Files
File 1
File documents the editorial activites related to the production of Legitimate Transcriptions: The Early Works of Charles Gwathmey, issue 11 of ANY magazine (July/August). Material in file was produced between 1994 and 1995.
File contains article drafts, correspondence and photographs.
Hays Introduction - drafts by Michael Hays
Deamer - drafts of article by Peggy Deamer
Kwinter - article drafts by Sanford Kwinter
Robbins, Ed - article drafts by Edward Robbins
El-Dahdah love letter from Plano - drafts of play by Farès el-Dahdah
El-Dahdah Images
Rostislav Svácha - Letter from Prague
Allen - drafts of article by Stan Allen
Graf - drafts of article by Doug Graf
Hildner - drafts of article by Jeffrey Hildner
Greg Lynn - drafts of article by Greg Lynn
Gwathmey Singapore / California House
Gwathmey Interview - Charles Gwathmey interviewed by Cynthia Davidson (transcripts)
13 file
Anyone Corporation fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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