Article Texts
File 2
File documents some of the editorial activities in the production of Forget Fuller?: Everything You Wanted to Know About Fuller But Were Afraid to Ask, issue 17 of ANY magazine (January). Material in file was produced between 1996 and 1997.
FIle contains drafts of articles, correspondence, and some illustrative material.
Martin, Well-Opener - drafts of articles by Reinhold Martin (3 files)
Koss - drafts of article by Juliet Koss
El-Dahdah Book Review - drafts of review by Farès el-Dahdah of Jean-François de Bastide's The Little House, An Architectural Seduction
Picon - drafts and translations of article by Antoine Picon
Eigen - drafts of article by Edward Eigen (2 files)
Project - Sm-M / Hawk (Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects) - transcript of conversation between Henry Smith-Miller, Laurie Hawkinson, Cynthia Davidson, and Ernest Pascucci
Kurgan - drafts of article by Laura Kurgan
Wigley - drafts of articles by Mark Wigley
Nordenson - drafts of article by Guy Nordenson, with illustrations
Wong - drafts of article by Y. C. Wong
Branden Joseph - drafts of article by Branden W. Joseph
Segrest - drafts of article by Robert Segrest
Roy - drafts of article by Lindy Roy
Colomina - drafts of article by Beatriz Colomina
Robbins - drafts of review by Edward Robbins of M. Christine Boyer's The City of Collective Memory
18 file
Anyone Corporation fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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