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James Stirling papers
circa 1939-1990
Series 1
Series documents James Stirling student years and military service throughout his student projects, some personal documents and collected artworks and photographic materials. The bulk of the material in this series relates to James Stirling's student work at the Liverpool School of Architecture in Liverpool, England, and at the Association for Planning and Regional Reconstruction in London, England, between 1948 and 1952. Also included in this series are a few personal documents relating to his military service in the Second World War and its relation to his university education. Series also consists of drawings executed by Stirling as a student, other drawings collected by Stirling as gifts from friends and colleagues, and photographs and negatives taken by Stirling of architectural subject matters. Material in this series was produced between probably 1939 and 1990.
Series contains architectural drawings, textual records, photographic materials and a presentation model, as well as other drawings, including several portraits and caricatures of James Stirling.
James Stirling's student work as well as a number of early drawings were originally stored in a portfolio in the office of James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates in London, England. The portfolio contained the following student projects: the Forest Rangers Lookout Station, the Community Centre for a Small Town in the Middle West, the Organic Chemistry Laboratories for a Northern University, the Plan of Town Centre and Development of Community Centre (thesis project), the Merseyside Film Institute Student Competition, Redevelopment Plan for Port Sunlight, the Redevelopment of Camp Area, and the Town Centre Plan for Saint Albans. The portfolio also contained a photograph of a model for Unidentified Buildings with Courtyards, an abstract collage with clippings dated 1955, an ink and water-colour drawing representing a house, with waterfall and garden, a drawing of a Modulor man, and a drawing of a bookcase. It also contained the following early architectural projects: Science block for an unknown building, Poole College of Further Education Competition, Village housing for CIAM X, and Block of flats, as part of the redevelopment of a site in Lambeth, London.
The content of the portfolio was rearranged in the following manner: Student projects and early drawings were grouped in the series James Stirling Papers, sub-series Student work (AP140.S1.SS1) and sub-series Pesonal collections and records (AP140.S1.SS2) respectively. Early architectural projects were grouped in the series Professional Papers, sub-series Projects (AP140.S2.SS1).
Documents are in English.
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