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James Stirling Buildings & Projects 1950 - 1974
File 1
File documents the publication of the book 'James Stirling, Buildings & Projects 1950 - 1974'. The introduction to the book was written by John Jacobus and the layout was designed by Leon Krier and James Stirling. The German edition of the book was published by publisher Gerd Hatje in Stuttgart. Material in this file was produced between 1971 and 1975.
File contains textual records.
Material in this sub-series was likely kept in its original order when it was first processed upon its arrival at CCA.
Documents are in English, with some in German.
Trier par:
annotated drafts of introduction by John Jacobus, correspondence with John Jacobus and publisher Gerd Hatje, sketchbook with notes and sketches for book layout by James Stirling, including:
folder 1/3
- letter from James Stirling to John Jacobus (28 April 1975) explaining the process of editing Jacobus' introduction, mollifying him regarding changes and noting that the text was reviewed by Ken Frampton and Kerry ?
- letter from John Jacobus to James Stirling (22 May 1975?) "I'm still mad at you but that's a small thing."
- 2nd draft of the introduction "approved by Jake" annotated in black and blue ink
- 5th draft (June 1971) 2 photocopied copies
- Draft of the introduction, inscribed "Mary" in red ink, with comments in pencil (by Mary Stirling ?) and further notes in red ink (by James Stirling ?)
folder 2/3
- 5th draft (June 1971), inscribed "Jan" (struck through in red ink), "Fourth draft" (struck through in red ink and replaced with "Fifth), annotated in red ink over earlier nnotations (by James Stirling ?)
- 5th draft (struck through in red ink), extensively edited and annotated in red ink by James Stirling
- 5th draft, original typescript, annotated in black ink and graphite
- 4th draft, inscribed "Jan 71," a photocopy of an already annotated and edited text
- 4th draft, inscribed "3rd draft" (struck through in red ink), heavily edited in rd ink, graphite, green ink, including an additional 7 pages of notes "by Ken Frampton" dated "Fall of 1972 or 73"
folder 3/3
- 3rd draft, original typescript, edited in black ink by James Stirling
- 2nd draft, "approved by Jake," photocopy, edited in graphite over earlieer editing marks
- several sets of early pages of the introduction, interspersed with accompanying letters from John Jacobus to James Stirling, all heavily annotated and struck through in red andorange marker, black ink, graphite, purple ink, yellow marker, red ink, purple pencil, with entirely new passages in black ink
- 4th draft, dated "Jan 71," two photocopied copies including photocopied editing marks
- final draft, inscribed "FINAL" and "Revised (in ink), to length(?) via Hatje," original typescript, edited in red ink, graphite, black ink, black marker, blue ink, green ink and strike throughs in black marker
Red cloth-bound journal
- 23.2 x 18.0 cm
dated on inside cover "London - May - 1973"
- page layouts for book
- black ink, blue marker, red ink, graphite, blue ink
1 textual record(s)
records: 0,1 l.m.
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Objets catalogués:
- draft of book annotated in English and German, including English annotations by James Stirling
- includes set of captions and labels for illustrations
- original typescript and photocopy
- heavily edited in blue ink, red ink, black ink, graphite
1 textual record(s)
records: 0,01 l.m.
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
mostly sketches for book layout and some correspondence from publisher Gerd Hatje, dated between 1972 and 1974, including:
folder 1
- letter from Gerd Hatje to James Stilring, dated 18 February 1972, passing on reader's comments ("I have the feeling these comments are made by Robert (sic) Middleton, but I'm not sure."), annotated in red ink by James Stirling with preliminary responses
- letter from James Stirling to gerd Hatje, dated 29 Feb 1972, responding to comments
- mock-up of cover and inside page, "Presentation by Leon Krier," "Buildings & Projects / 1950 - 1973"
- photocopy of illustrations and labels to accompany John Jacobus introduction
- stapled and bound set of photocopies of Leon krier drawings for Derby
- alternate versions for cover of book, photocopies, some annotated in green ink, inscribed: "Presentation by Leon Krier" and then annotated "layout by Leon Krier or design by Leon Krier"
folder 2
- page layouts, mostly photocopies with at least one original layout (black ink), some pages annotated or check-marked in red marker
- page layouts for book, chronology of projects, captions, numbers of words for each project, mostly photocopy, some ink, some annotated
folder 3 (labelled "Book Preparation"
- three alternate designs for cover, originals, black and red ink on tracing paper
- complete original book layout, mostly black ink, some red ink and brown marker on tracing paper
folder 4
- "Chronological List of Works by James Stirling 1950 - 1972," photocopy from A+U Feb 1975, annotated
- book layout, annotated with letters keyed to captions in red marker, annotated in red ink throughout
- letter from James Stirling to gerd Hatje, 24 Jan 1975, doesn't like typeface chosen by Gerd Hatje ("returned marked 'nein'"), notes other specific preferences regarding dust jacket (Bembo 270 typeface, red "JS" as previously decided, axonometric will be half-size, cover should be glossy black)
- letter from Ruth Wurster (Verlag Gerd Hatje) to James Stirling, 4 Feb 1975, enclosing proofs of title pages
- letter from James Stirling to Gerd Hatje, responding to letter from Ruth Wurster
folder 5
- book layout, photocopy, a few corrections in red marker
1 textual record(s)
records: 0,04 l.m.
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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