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Student work
[between 1947? and 1975?], predominant 1947-1952
Sub-series 1
Sub-series documents James Stirling's student work, probably from his third to fifth year at the Liverpool School of Architecture in Liverpool, England, from 1947 to 1950, and during his studies at the Association for Planning and Regional Reconstruction in London, England, from 1950 to 1952. A project for a Community Centre for a Small Town in the Middle West was probably produced during a student exchange in New York City, New York in the fall of 1948. Sub-series include projects for a Forest Rangers Lookout Station, a House for an Architect, Organic Chemistry Laboratories, Stirling's thesis project for a Town Centre and Community Centre and a student competition entry for the Merseyside Film Institute. Material in this sub-series was probably produced between 1947 and 1975.
The publication drawings for James Stirling's projects were often drawn by Leon Krier, Russell Bevington, or Ulrich Schaad ('British Architecture Today', 1991).
Sub-series contains several presentation drawings and panels, publication drawings, a small number of working drawings, photographic materials, a presentation model and Stirling's 1950 bound thesis 'Plan of Town Centre and Development of Community Centre for Newton Aycliffe, Co. Durham'.
Sub-series is roughly arranged chronologically by project date.
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