General detail drawings - Montreal office
[between 1940 and 1944]
Sub-File 15
Sub-file documents an executed project for military training camp office alterations and additions in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Sub-file contains detail drawings, mechanical drawings, and photographs.
Halifax Nova Scotia Canada
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crests and lettering for panels, lamp standards, hospital main entrance, toilets for General Offices, hospital rooms and toilets, beam conveyor in Office Building, electrical outlets, drinking fountain recesses, doors, window cleaners bolts, Machine Shop and Engineering building toilets
20 File
Ross & Macdonald fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Signal and A.S.D.I.C. toilets, door types and schedule, window types and schedules, partitions and blackboards, canopies for General Offices, wickets, hung ceilings, parapet walls, Machine Shop and Engineering Building main entrance doors, doors for Hospital, platform and elevator for General Offices
15 File
Ross & Macdonald fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
hospital door frames and wood trim, Hospital concrete chimney, folding doors, angle frame, Torpedo and Gunnery School toilets, wood partitions, searchlight platform, metal saddles, excavation plan for Barracks Building, panel boxes, Hospital toilets and nurse's station, captain's lavatory in General Offices, counters and vestibule in General Offices, Central Heating Plant lavatory layouts, blanket warmers for hospital
20 File
Ross & Macdonald fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
dentist's laboratory for General Offices, wickets, doors for General Offices, grating and catch-pit for Central Heating Plant, A.A. dome for Torpedo and Gunnery School, exterior steps, doors and breeching for chimney for Central Heating Plant, pipe trench and water main to temporary barracks, entrance to Torpedo and Gunnery School, windows for Signal A.S.D.I.C. Building, partition and window for hospital
14 File
Ross & Macdonald fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
assembly hall for Torpedo and Gunnery School, Combined Shops doors, Central Heating Plant doors, mastic and cement bases for hospital, Hospital galley and foyer, hospital x-ray room, windows and doors for Signal A.S.D.I.C. Building, hospital kitchen, galleys for General Office Building, Signal and A.S.D.I.C. Building conversion to barracks, changes to Barracks Building, counters and partitions, Hospital door, concrete column for General Offices, Hospital passage, pump house, fences and gates
20 File
Ross & Macdonald fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Central Heating Plant incinerator, lamp standards, toilets and showers for C.P.O. Building, staircases and servery room for C.P.O. Building, Physical Training Building entrance and concrete panels, penthouse and galley for Physical Training Building, toilets and doors for Physical Training Building
18 File
Ross & Macdonald fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Physical Training Building; recesses for drinking fountains and cuspidors, swimming pool, running track, fresh air intakes, exhaust hoods, radiator recesses, parapet wall, stairs, truss supports: table and hoods for C.P.O. Building, hood and cupboard for temporary guard house
20 File
Ross & Macdonald fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
4 File
Ross & Macdonald fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
51P-01:b/w (19,3 x 24,0 cm); Existing Barracks Building, north end. Royal Canadian Naval Photograph 51P-02:b/w (19,0 x 23,8 cm); Existing Barracks Building, south end. Royal Canadian Naval Photograph
2 File
b/w (19,3 x 24,0 cm) b/w (19,0 x 23,8 cm)
Ross & Macdonald fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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